According to the data of the National Statistical Institute, according to the size of the net sales revenues of the enterprises, the first place is occupied by the manufacturing industry - 36% of the income, followed by trade and repair of cars - 31% of the earnings, production, and distribution of electric and thermal energy and gaseous fuels - 9%, construction - 6%, transport, storage and post - 5%, agriculture, forestry, and fishery - 4%, human health, and social work - 2%, etc.
Figure: Leading industries in the economy of Pazardzhik municipality according to their net sales revenue for 2019.
Net sales income of the non-financial enterprises in Pazardzhik municipality was the highest in 2019 - BGN 2 659 255 thousand against BGN 1 772 653 thousand in 2014, which in percentage terms equals a 33.3% increase. It is evident from the table below that net sales revenue has been increasing gradually and smoothly throughout the plan period.
The value of production is the highest in 2019 - BGN 1,916,270 thousand, while in 2014 it is BGN 1,224,816 thousand. The percentage increase is 36.1%. A rhythmic and gradual annual increase can be detected.
Incomes from the activities of enterprises in the non-financial sector also show a steady and smooth increase - from BGN 2 867 126 thousand in 2019 to BGN 1 912 374 thousand or a percentage increase of 33.3%;
The number of enterprises in the non-financial sector increased marginally by 4.4% from 5,317 in 2014 to 5,570 in 2019.
The number of employees also shows a steady trend of marginal increase - by 6.1% - from 26,008 persons in 2014 to 27,691 persons in 2019.
According to these economic indicators, indicated by the National Statistical Institute, trends of gradual and step-by-step positive development of non-financial enterprises in the municipality according to the main economic indicators are clearly established.
Table: Main economic indicators of non-financial enterprises in Pazardzhik municipality in thousands of BGN for the period 2014-2019.
Enterprises in the municipality of Pazardzhik in BGN numbered thousands from 2014 to 2019. Indicators |
2014 г. |
2015 г. |
2016 г. |
2017 г. |
2018 г. |
2019 г. |
Number of companies (number) |
5317 |
5402 |
5537 |
5517 |
5523 |
5570 |
Production (in thousand BGN) |
1224816 |
1276176 |
1319250 |
1463736 |
1633665 |
1916270 |
Income from activities (in thousands BGN) |
1912374 |
2010760 |
2066579 |
2293026 |
2515716 |
2867126 |
Net income from sales ( in thousands BGN) |
1772653 |
1869435 |
1922389 |
2119504 |
2303855 |
2659255 |
Employees (number) |
26008 |
25816 |
26107 |
26507 |
27160 |
27691 |
Source: National Statistical Institute
On the other hand, for 2019, in terms of the territorial levels mentioned below, mixed trends are observed.
The annual value of this indicator in 2019 is as follows;
Compared to the Pazardzhik District, the Municipality reverses the trend compared to District, overcomes the gap, and is 9.2% ahead.
Compared to the national indicators, the Municipality lags by 55.4%.
Undoubtedly, the trend ahead of the District is positive. At the same time, decisive and urgent measures and activities have to reach national levels.
Table: Produced output per person from 2014 to 2019 on the territory of Pazardzhik municipality in thousands of BGN.
2014 г. |
2015 г. |
2016 г. |
2017 г. |
2018 г. |
2019 г. |
District of Pazardzhik |
2929848 |
3072041 |
3135109 |
3411366 |
3769278 |
4162006 |
Pazardzhik Municipality |
1 224 816 |
1 276 176 |
1 319 250 |
1 463 736 |
1 633 665 |
1 916 270 |
Republic of Bulgaria |
141 783 781 |
153 275 119 |
151 283 795 |
168 150 221 |
180 986 627 |
194 336 570 |
Source: National Statistical Institute
Structure of enterprises according to the number of employees. According to the leading economic indicators, the performance of non-financial enterprises by the number of employees is as follows:
By number of employees - in addition to the number of employees, micro-enterprises also register the highest number of employees - at 31.1%, followed by medium-sized enterprises at 29.4%, small enterprises - at 25.9%, and large enterprises - at 14.5%;
In terms of output, medium-sized enterprises accounted for the highest share of 34.1%, followed by small enterprises at 23.6%, large enterprises at 21.7%, and micro enterprises at 20.7%.
In terms of operating income - again, micro enterprises rank first with 29.6%, followed by medium enterprises with 26.3%, small enterprises with 25.9% and large enterprises with 18.2%;
In terms of net sales, the ranking is topped by medium enterprises with 28.6%, followed by small - 28.3%, micro - 22.9% and large - 16.3%.
Table: Main economic indicators of non-financial enterprises in Pazardzhik municipality from 2014 to 2019 by groups of enterprises according to the number of employees.
Municipality/Groups of enterprises |
Enterprises |
Produced products |
Income from activities |
Net income from sales |
Employees |
Number |
Thousands of BGN |
Number |
Year 2019 |
5 570 |
1 916 270 |
2 867 126 |
2 59 255 |
27 691 |
Micro up to 9 occupied |
5168 |
342052 |
748945 |
688199 |
9204 |
Small from 10 to 49 |
323 |
378840 |
709412 |
672784 |
6474 |
Medium from 50 to 249 |
71 |
588282 |
774940 |
702518 |
7538 |
Big over 250 |
8 |
607096 |
633829 |
595754 |
4475 |
Year 2018 |
5 523 |
1 633 665 |
2 515 716 |
2 303 855 |
27 160 |
Micro up to 9 occupied |
5113 |
315507 |
683814 |
625362 |
9168 |
Small from 10 to 49 |
331 |
357066 |
657615 |
603103 |
6545 |
Medium from 50 to 249 |
71 |
526767 |
716256 |
648060 |
7519 |
Big over 250 |
8 |
434325 |
458031 |
427330 |
3928 |
Year 2017 |
5517 |
1463736 |
2293026 |
2119504 |
26507 |
Micro up to 9 occupied |
5103 |
303507 |
642580 |
596918 |
9402 |
Small from 10 to 49 |
342 |
360808 |
651038 |
599169 |
6674 |
Medium from 50 to 249 |
64 |
503903 |
684629 |
626924 |
7036 |
Big over 250 |
8 |
295518 |
314779 |
296493 |
3395 |
The trend points to positive growth, in the development, of mainly small and medium-sized businesses, the activities of which focus on trade and services, industry, transport, and agriculture.
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